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Quantum Dynamics Dji Matrice 210 V2 4

Today’s ever-changing world has made security a top priority. Compared to traditional ground teams and expensive manned aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide significantly more cost-effective and enhanced security capabilities. From performing perimeter surveillance, identifying real-time threats to rapid response, drones are changing how companies and organizations are protecting assets and personnel.

Quantum Dynamics Dji Matrice 300 Maritime Inspection

Persistent tactical surveillance over large areas, immune to interference and jamming, is now achieved. Security forces may stealthily spot and tract intruders while providing initial site assessment before arriving personnel. Teams can share real-time location data & markers along with airspace threat detection and counter-drone operations.

Quantum Dynamics Evoii Public Safety

The use of advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and machine learning provide enhanced situational awareness, target identification, interdiction, documenting, along with scene-capture and reconstruction. This also is helping keep human security forces safe and contact-free in the age of COVID.

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